Single Sign On?

openid-logo-2  I have now way to many sub domains and websites to not try to make the registration or login process more easier

Each of the above domains/sub domains has its own registration and login process. I would like as soon as possible try to make people register only once and let them have an easy access to all these services.

Continue reading Single Sign On?

Continuous integration server Bamboo up and running

atlassian.bamboo.logo My Bamboo continuous integration server is now fully functional and available at




Remember Atlassian is providing free license for Open Source Projects:

Atlassian supports and believes in the Open Source movement – Bamboo utilizes a number of good Open Source components, and Atlassian developers are committers on a large number of Open Source projects.

To give back to the open source community (and hopefully improve the quality of those projects!), Bamboo is free for any Open Source project to use.

There are a few requirements for an Open Source license, the main ones being:

  • Established code base
  • Publicly available project website
  • Using an approved open source license
  • Your Bamboo instance will be publicly accessible

Continue reading Continuous integration server Bamboo up and running

TeamCity 4.5 up and running


Today JetBrains announces the public availability of TeamCity 4.5, it’s award-winning distributed build management and continuous integration tool.
With TeamCity, you can set up a build server for your projects within minutes and enjoy out of the box continuous unit testing, code quality analysis, and early reporting on build problems – even without leaving your favorite IDE.
TeamCity offers a gentle learning curve, so you can quickly improve your release management practices by gradually adopting its advanced features and capabilities.

I did upgrade my version of TeamCity at to the latest version, aka 4.5

Continue reading TeamCity 4.5 up and running

Deploy to Tomcat 6 using Maven

A ready to use example on how you can deploy your web application to a Tomcat 6 container using #Maven Cargo. Cargo is a thin wrapper that allows you to manipulate #Java EE containers in a standard way. 

Cargo provides the following Tools and APIs:

  • A #Java API to start/stop/configure #Java Containers and deploy modules into them.
  • A #Java API to parse/create/merge #Java EE Modules
  • Ant tasks, #Maven 1, #Maven 2 plugins.
  • Intellij IDEA and Netbeans plugins are in the sandbox.

First you have to decide if your tomcat server run locally or remotely as this influence the way you’ll configure your pom.xml

Continue reading Deploy to Tomcat 6 using Maven

When Joomla! meet Maven for PHP

  I will quickly describe in this post how you can code your component/plugins/modules against a specific version of #Joomla! with no effort using #Maven for PHP.

The trick I made is to package the whole #Joomla distribution in a jar file, and add a #Maven dependency to the project. As #Joomla, PHPUnit, or any other 3rd party is not a set of class packaged in a jar, the brilliant idea of #Maven for PHP is to unpack all these dependencies in the target/phpinc directory automatically AND concatenating this directory to the php setting include_path during compile and test phase. You can do the same using the command line by running:

php -d include_path=

That’s also why, It is very important to not put anything from this directory under version control (add a cvs.ignore or svn properties svn:ignore) as it contains dependencies that have no reason to be put under version control in #Maven paradigm (they have to reside in a #Maven repository)

So I create a new zip file joomla-1.5.10.jar with a directory inside named ‘Joomla’ that contains a standard binary distribution…this jar is published in artifactory with a groupid org.joomla (arbitrary chosen by me)

Continue reading When Joomla! meet Maven for PHP

My 2 first Joomla! component in continuous build



Continue reading My 2 first Joomla! component in continuous build

Configuring TeamCity, Maven for PHP for Joomla continuous build

Maven for PHP uses the power of #Maven for building, reporting on and creating documentations of PHP projects. It adapts the #Maven build lifecycle to the PHP world while fully supporting PHP 4 and PHP 5. PHP for #Maven uses PHPUnit for unit testing and doxygen for creating the api documentation.
Use a PHP library project to create a library that can be used by other PHP libraries or PHP web projects. Use a PHP web project to create a standalone web project.

So I quickly describe what I did install on my root server (OpenSuse 11.X)

My Objectives: being able to build all my #Joomla! component using best agile development practices

“Specific tools and techniques such as continuous integration, automated or xUnit test, pair programming, test driven development, design patterns, domain-driven design, code refactoring and other techniques are often used to improve quality and enhance project agility.”

Continue reading Configuring TeamCity, Maven for PHP for Joomla continuous build

JIRA & Confluence for only $5 each!

Receive this today in my mailbox, sound like a great offer to me! and since they have offered me an enterprise open source license, I feel I need to give the good word:


JIRA & Confluence for only $5 each!

While you may still be evaluating an Atlassian product, we have a special announcement. This week, we’re offering 5-user licenses of JIRA and Confluence for only $5 each. We’re calling it the Atlassian Stimulus Package and it’s our way of supporting small teams and small businesses in this difficult economic environment. Best of all, we’re going to donate every penny to charity!

There is no catch and no strings attached. You’ll get fully functional, supported copies of JIRA and Confluence for only $5 each. After a year, you can renew support and maintenance of your license for just $5.

The Atlassian Foundation is donating all proceeds to Room to Read (, a charity that helps the world’s future entrepreneurs by building libraries and schools for children in developing nations.

Get all the details at Hurry, offer ends in just a few days!


The Atlassians

My virtual world is expanding


As “my virtual world is expanding”, so the number of sub domains (17!) hosted on my dedicated root server… In order to keep and eye at what’s available and to give visitors a chance to find them (Google bots may drive you there even better), I did add a new menu entry into my tag browser. It display all subdomains







Continue reading My virtual world is expanding