cedphotofeed 2.6.3 for joomla J2.5 and J3.0 released

This extension for Joomla  2.5 and Joomla 3.0 allow you to inline a set of images from your favorite online gallery: Smugmug, Flickr, Picasa, Gallery2/Gallery3 and YouTube or any RSS feed in any article.

To update your extension, either download the latest extension packages from the download section of cedphotofeed or update via the #Joomla Extensions Update interface.

You can visit also the blog of cedPhotofeed for joomla

What’s New

NEW  Support for RokBox 2.0, use under Rendering “RokBox 2”, instead of “RokBox

NOTE: If you are upgrading from RokBox 1 and you are using the old RokBox syntax, such as {rokbox} or <a rel="rokbox" .., you can enable the Backward Compatibility from both the System and Content plug-in. Be aware that the Backward compatibility can dramatically slow down the loading of your site. It is highly suggested to convert the old syntax into the new one. Starting from cedphotofeed 2.6.3 you can use the Rendering “RokBox 2” and switch off the backward compatibility.

NEW  A new settings in the administrator panel “Force”. This setting is optional, default value is auto detect- If you use custom URL for your hosting library (like visuals.waltercedric.com instead of www.smugmug.com), you may want to force the library instead of letting cedPhotoFeed auto detect the right host based on URL. You can either set "Force" = "Yes" in administrator panel system wide or add this optional settings now in every mambot. Here is a axample of a custom URL that use SmugMug:

{rss uri=http://www.darbym.com/hack/feed.mg?Type=nicknameRecentPhotos&Data=DarbyM&format=rss200 limit=3 force=Smugmug}

Concerning the size of pictures displayed when using Picasa

Concerning the size of pictures displayed when using Picasa, the max picture size returned by the RSS feed is height="265px" and width="512px", embedded thumbnails being of size

  1. height="38px" width="72px"
  2. height="75px" width="144px"
  3. height="149px" width="288px”

It is not in any way a limitation of cedPhotoFeed!



HP calculator museum: HP35s Scientific Calculator, 2003


The HP 35s is Hewlett-Packard’s top-of-the-line pocket scientific calculator, celebrating the 35th anniversary of the HP 35, the first pocket scientific calculator, which was introduced in 1972. It is the successor to the 33s and the famous 32SII, among others.

Over the 33s, the 35s adds enhanced complex number support, better programmability, EOS instead of AOS-style input in algebraic mode, and support for vectors, among other improvements. Essentially, it appears to take a 33s, give it a more traditional appearance, and add some of the most important features from the 15C and 42S.

Continue reading HP calculator museum: HP35s Scientific Calculator, 2003

HP calculator museum: HP39+ student graphic calculator, 2003

HP-39g series calculators are the successors of HP-38G.

There are five calculators in the 39 series of HP graphing calculators. These calculators have algebraic entry modes, and can perform numeric analysis together with varying degrees of symbolic calculation. All calculators in this series are aimed at high school level students and are characterised by their ability to download (via cable or infra-red) APLETs or E-lessons. These are programs of varying complexity which are generally intended to be used in the classroom to enhance the learning of mathematics by the graphical and/or numerical exploration of concepts. Some hundreds of these can be found on various websites

Basic characteristics

  • CPU: 75 MHz ARM9
  • Communication: USB port (using the Kermit or XModem protocols), IrDA (infrared).
  • Memory: 256 KB
  • Power: 3*AAA as main power, CR2032 for memory backup
  • Screen resolution: 131×64 pixels
  • Does not come with a hard cover
  • Limited symbolic equation functionality.

Note: Although an ARM processor is used in this model, the operating system is substantially the same as that of the 39G, with the Saturn chip being emulated on the ARM at a higher speed than was possible for the 39G. The CAS component of the HP-40G’s operating system appears to have been totally removed, rather than simply being hidden at start-up.


Apache POI contribution patches

apache-poi-logo The Apache POI Project’s mission is to create and maintain #Java APIs for manipulating various file formats based upon the Office Open XML standards (OOXML) and Microsoft’s OLE 2 Compound Document format (OLE2). In short, you can read and write MS Excel files using #Java. In addition, you can read and write MS Word and MS PowerPoint files using #Java. Apache POI is your #Java Excel solution (for Excel 97-2008). We have a complete API for porting other OOXML and OLE2 formats and welcome others to participate.

My Contributions to the Open Source project Apache POI: adding missing Excel functions in #Java

Bug 54673 – [PATCH] Simple wildcard support in HLOOKUP, VOOLKUP, MATCH, COUNTIF
Add support for wildcards
? (question mark) Any single character
    For example, sm?th finds "smith" and "smyth"
* (asterisk) Any number of characters
    For example, *east finds "Northeast" and "Southeast"
~ (tilde) followed by ?, *, or ~A question mark, asterisk, or tilde
    For example, fy91~? finds "fy91?"

Bug 54723 – [PATCH] Support for percentage in VALUE() function
support for VALUE("30%") or VALUE("30 %") as excel support this

Bug 54720 – [PATCH] Support for Row/Col Area Range like 8:8 or H:H
Range support in the form of NameType.ROW:NameType.ROW    like 8:8 or 6:8

Bug 55037 – [PATCH] patch for missing function DELTA
Add support for function Delta

Bug 55036 – [PATCH] patch for missing function Dec2HEx
Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal.

Bug 55038 – [PATCH] patch for missing function Dec2Oct
Converts a decimal number to octal.

Bug 55041 – [PATCH] patch for missing function CODE
Returns a numeric code for the first character in a text string. The returned code corresponds to the character set used by your computer.

Bug 55042 – [PATCH] patch for missing function COMPLEX
Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number of the form x + yi or x + yj.

Bug 55043 – [PATCH] patch for missing function QUOTIENT
Returns the integer portion of a division. Use this function when you want to discard the remainder of a division.

Bug 55047 – [PATCH] patch for missing function REPT
Repeats text a given number of times. Use REPT to fill a cell with a number of instances of a text string.

Bug 55055 – [PATCH] patch for missing function Bin2Dec
Converts a binary number to decimal.
Number cannot contain more than 10 characters (10 bits). The most significant bit of number is the sign bit. The remaining 9 bits are magnitude bits. Negative numbers are represented using two’s-complement notation.

Bug 55057 – [PATCH] patch for missing function Hex2Dec
Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal.
Number cannot contain more than 10 characters (40 bits). The most significant bit of number is the sign bit. The remaining 39 bits are magnitude bits. Negative numbers are represented using two’s-complement notation.

Bug 55058 – [PATCH] patch for missing function FactDouble
Returns the double factorial of a number.

Bug 55079 – [PATCH] patch for missing function IMAGINARY
Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.

Bug 55080 – [PATCH] patch for missing function IMREAL
Returns the real coefficient of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format.

Bug 55081 – [PATCH] patch for missing function WEEKNUM
Returns a number that indicates where the week falls numerically within a year.

Bug 55082 – [PATCH] patch for missing function ROMAN
Converts an arabic numeral to roman, as text.

More to come soon!