Vevey in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland

Vevey is a town in Switzerland in the canton of Vaud, on the north shore of Lake Geneva, near Lausanne. The German name Vivis is no longer commonly used.

It was the seat of the district of the same name until 2006, and is now part of the Riviera-Pays-d’Enhaut District. It is part of the French-speaking area of Switzerland.

Vevey is home to the world headquarters of the international food and beverage company Nestlé, founded here in 1867. Milk chocolate was invented in Vevey by Daniel Peter in 1875, with the aid of Henri Nestlé. The residence of British American actor and comedian Charlie Chaplin was in Vevey, where he lived from 1952 until his death in 1977.

OpenSuse 11.0 reviews

geeko I am a SUSE and OpenSuse user since the version 9.0 (back to 2003) and I
decided to install the latest sequel, aka OpenSUSE 11.0 the same day it came out.

You can read a lot of positive review below:

What has impressed me after only 4 days,

  • Was the time it has took to install a full KDE4 desktop: no more than 25 minutes.
  • YAST auto detect the resolution of my ceiling projector a lot better (like any windows XP)
  • The number of 3rd party repository is huge and is just a few clicks away, so installing VLC,
    NVIDIA, ATI drivers and software (Google PICASA, Google Earth) has never been so easy.
  • KDE 4 has never crash (till now) even with COMPIZ activated as default.
  • KDE4 transparent icon surrounding is a bit disturbing at first, but I assume this feature can be switch off.
  • Software update are a lot faster and the tray icon checking for update is so fast that you’ll
    forget all issues encountered with OpenSUSE 10.3

All in all a very good operating system that I truly like using every day.

Download your live CD or DVD here

KDE 4.1 is getting better and better everyday and will soon look like any MAC or Vista,
look here some astonishing screen shots


Knoppix 3.8 bittorrents are just hitting the web

Knoppix 3.8 bittorrents are just hitting the web. Get you’re copy here. This is the German CeBIT convention and expo. You’ll need to use "lang=us" as a kernel boot option (at the grub prompt) for English. For German keyboards "=" isn’t in the same place. It’s typed with a Shift-0 on English keyboards. A good tool to download Torrent is Azureus