Explore 142 Initial Exchange Offering  (IEO) by category, year and country

IEO is currently the most popular fundraising trend in the crypto industry. As the name suggests, Initial Exchange Offering is conducted over the crypto trading platform and exchanges. So unlike ICOs wherein crypto projects directly approach investors, IEOs involve a third-party in the form of crypto exchanges.

Continue reading Explore 142 Initial Exchange Offering  (IEO) by category, year and country

58 Consensus in Blockchain Consensus Encyclopedia


This is my attempt to list all possible blockchain consensus out there, I welcome pull request of the blockchain community! let’s make it the main reference for blockchain consensus. Visit also Tokens-Economy.com to keep track of new developments in the distributed ledger technology space.

Blockchain Consensus?

At the core of the Blockchain disruption is a consensus algorithm:

Consensus algorithms enable network participants to agree on the contents of a blockchain in a distributed and trust-less manner.

“Consensus decision-making is a group decision-making process in which group members develop, and agree to support a decision in the best interest of the whole. Consensus may be defined professionally as an acceptable resolution, one that can be supported, even if not the “favourite” of each individual. Consensus is defined by Merriam-Webster as, first, general agreement, and second, group solidarity of belief or sentiment.” Wikipedia

And the consensus algorithm plays a crucial role in maintaining the safety and efficiency of the blockchain. Using the right algorithm may bring a significant increase to the performance of blockchain application.

The trilemma claims that blockchain systems can only at most have two of the following three properties:

  1. Decentralization (defined as the system being able to run in a scenario where each participant only has access to O(c) resources, i.e. a regular laptop or small VPS)
  2. Scalability (defined as being able to process O(n) > O(c) transactions)
  3. Security (defined as being secure against attackers with up to O(n) resources)

Each consensus algorithm has its own application scenario. There is no absolute good or bad. The choice of which consensus to use for implementing the blockchain depends on the type of network and data.

For a transaction to be valid on most cryptocurrency networks, the transaction needs to collect a certain number of confirmations (often equals to an inclusion in a block of a blockchain) from the network. E.g 10 confirmations mean to see a specific transaction in one block and 9 consecutive blocks.

Visit now https://consensus.tokens-economy.com/ 

Initial Coin Offering in Blockchain-Friendly countries

Ever since Vitalik Buterin and Ethereum settled on Switzerland for its Foundation and Initial Coin Offering (ICO), Switzerland has been popular among blockchain-based businesses and is considered the number one in a list of the top 10 European countries for starting a blockchain company (source cointelegraph.com).

PwC also found that ICO volume reached new record highs in the first half of 2018 ($13.7 Billion so far), already doubling the volume of the previous year! That inspired me a way to compare at the same time the volume, the categories and amount raised for all these ICO in an interactive and fun way.

Thanks to D3js library and IcoBench.com the development was done in a new record time! but let me present the results for the most blockchain-friendly countries Switzerland – Russia – Singapore – USA – Estonia – Germany

You can explore all charts by zoomingpanning and hovering over each bubble. Note that I did only consider ICO which are ended, most countries have a consequent number of ongoing ICO (more than 60 ICO ongoing in Switzerland!).

Feedback is always welcome, use comments or ping me your remarks.


When working with many feature/release/bugix/hotfix branches, it is a bad idea to start changing the pom version as this will create merge conflicts using pull request. this plugin allow you to keep in ALL branches the same pom version for all your projects, for example MASTER-SNAPSHOT the version will be derived from branch name automagically 🙂

You may want to read more first these 2 short articles

git-branch-renamer-maven-plugin allow you to keep in ALL branches the same pom version for all your projects: for example MASTER-SNAPSHOT and never change it again.

the project version will be derived from branch name automatically when running in your continuous integration server.

branch name feature/xxxx

  • <version>xxxx-SNAPSHOT</version> (default)
  • <version>xxxx</version> (release = true)
  • <version>0-xxxx-SNAPSHOT</version> (forceNumericalVersion = true)
  • <version>feature-xxxx-SNAPSHOT</version> (filterOutBranchQualifier = false)

The project is hosted at Github https://github.com/cedricwalter/git-branch-renamer-maven-plugin 

Failed opening required PHPUnit/TextUI/TestRunner.php in Maven For PHP

This issue has turn me upside down a long time. In fact in the official Google Group http://groups.google.de/group/maven-for-php/ I was not the only one to have this issue.

I did try the following, and it is always good to check first

  • Checking PHP version,
  • Starting #Maven with -X for having more debug information
  • Testing it in Eclipse + M2Eclipse on windows, was working there,
  • Comparing calculated PHP include path on Windows and #Linux: they were identical in this case

Only my #Linux box was not working. . .(http://teamcity.waltercedric.com)

After that I did materialize the eclipse project of #maven-php-plugin and even built a custom version that I’ve deployed without any effort to my Artifactory (http://maven.waltercedric.com)

And what is the solution?

it my server configuration and paranoia 🙂

open your php.ini, ideally the right one, don’t put your server at risks: You may have many under #Linux, especially if you use plesk or cpanel 

  • cli at /etc/php5/cli/php.ini
  • apache2, /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
  • fastcgi at /etc/php5/fastcgi/php.ini

location most of the time


and add the directory where your build server make a checkout…

; open_basedir, if set, limits all file operations to the defined directory 
; and below.  This directive makes most sense if used in a per-directory 
; or per-virtualhost web server configuration file. This directive is 
; *NOT* affected by whether Safe Mode is turned On or Off. 
open_basedir = /www/vhosts:/tmp:/xxxx/yyyy/ 

Next step is to put #Joomla! 1.6 and all their PHPUnit tests a run along with Selenium. May also need to  patch #Maven for PHP to better support Tests reporting like Surefire.

Neo Geo Pocket # 0016263

The Neo Geo Pocket was SNK’s first hand held video game system, released in Japan in late 1998; however, lower than expected sales resulted in its discontinuation in 1999, and was immediately succeeded by the Neo Geo Pocket Color. The system only had a retail release within the Japan and Hong Kong market.

Side by side, a SNK Neo Geo Pocket on the left side and a SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color

Side by side, a SNK Neo Geo Pocket on the left side and a SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color
Neo Geo Pocket 0016263 beside a Neo Geo Pocket Color – Private collection Cédric Walter – http://www.waltercedric.com
SNK Neo Geo Pocket 0016263 Front View
Neo Geo Pocket 0016263 – Private collection Cédric Walter – http://www.waltercedric.com
SNK Neo Geo Pocket 0016263 Back View
Neo Geo Pocket 0016263 – Private collection Cédric Walter – http://www.waltercedric.com

King of Fighters R-1 (I have both R-1 and R-2)

SNK Neo Geo Pocket 0016263 with King of Fighters R-1
Neo Geo Pocket 0016263 – Private collection Cédric Walter – http://www.waltercedric.com

Bought on eBay for 30 euro with King Of Fighter R-1

The Build Tool Report: Turnaround Times using Ant, Maven, Eclipse, IntelliJ, and NetBeans

Even if the sample is quite small (600 responses), it still interesting going through these compiled data

Some time ago we ran a survey asking a few questions about the build process, specifically the tools that are used to do incremental builds and how much time those builds take. We had over 600 responses, so now it’s time to count the results.

This is the first time that we’ve published results on the incremental build process, so the information is more likely to serve as a guide than an authoritative information source.

Read More here

Apache Maven books

Questions for the official certification.

 JavaBlackBelt is a community for #Java & open source skills assessment. It is dedicated to technical quizzes about #Java related technologies. This is the place where #Java developers have their technology knowledge and development abilities recognized. Everybody is welcome to take existing and build new exams.


maven.the.definitive.guide BetterBuildsWithMaven
Maven: The Definitive Guide (Readable HTML alpha release)

Better Builds with #Maven (Free PDF)

  • Covers:Maven 2.0.4
  • Publisher:DevZuz
  • Published:March 2006
  • Authors: John Casey, Vincent Massol, Brett Porter, Carlos SanchezBetter Builds with #Maven is a comprehensive ‘How-to’ guide for using #Maven 2.0 to better manage the build, test and release cycles associated with software development. The chapters include:
    • An introduction to #Maven 2.0
    • Creating, compiling and packaging your first project
    • Best practices and real-world examples
    • Building J2EE Applications
    • Extending builds by creating your own #Maven plugins
    • Monitoring the health of source code, testing, dependencies and releases
    • Team collaboration and utilising Continuum for continuous integration
    • Converting existing Ant builds to #Maven
Maven: A Developer’s Notebook



Maven multi module support in M2Eclipse

Maven projects are created using the New “Maven projects” from M2Eclipse, see here for more details

Maven Modules are different beast, as they are suppose to have a parent in their hierarchy, if you use #Maven
you are already understanding what the differences are.

You can get in troubles if you try to make a lot of #maven projects in eclipse, although it may seems natural to do so. A lot
of people have gone that path, and this may work if you use the relativePath trick

  • parent (contains the super pom)
  • common-api, reference the parent using the <relativePath>../parent/pom.xml</relativePath>
  • common-core reference the parent using the <relativePath>../parent/pom.xml</relativePath>
  • common-spring reference the parent using the <relativePath>../parent/pom.xml</relativePath>
  • services-api   …you get the idea
  • services-core
  • services-spring
Continue reading Maven multi module support in M2Eclipse

Maven dependencies under control: excluding unwanted transitive dependencies

What can you do to avoid that when you use one #Maven dependency, to also inherit some other undesirable older
dependency (which is to say from an older transitive dependency).

The fix to this is to add an exclusion to the dependency in question.
For example, if we start with a dependency upon version 1.2 of the jxpath library:

    <scope>compile</scope> <!-- default scope for sake of example-->

This dependency to jxpath 1.2 will bring in an old version of log4j 3.8. In order to ensure that I am using the latest
versions of log4j (4.4),

I need to put in an exclusion for these transitive dependencies of common-jxpath, which I do as follows:

        <!-- I can put many of these here -->

Having excluded them, they will be any longer in the build.

Continue reading Maven dependencies under control: excluding unwanted transitive dependencies